Talk More Parent Planner
You may be here to answer the essential questions: what do I say, when do I say it, and how?
We’ve created the Talk More Parent Planner that includes which topics to cover, at approximately what age, suggestions for starting the conversation and teaching resources. The Parent Planner is intended to support families and caregivers talk early and often about sexuality - in age appropriate, proactive, and positive ways. They’re updated frequently with new resources, so check back for the latest versions.
Click on the links below to download each version of the Parent Planner, grouped by age. A few tips as you get started:
Review each resource ahead of time. We recommend not showing a video clip or reading a book with a child without knowing it’s full content.
Practice. As you preview each learning resource, consider what questions your child may ask, and practice answers in advance.
Look ahead. Take a look at the next age group, for example, if you have a 4 year old, take a look at the 6-9 age level to get a sense of what kinds of conversations you may be having with your child in the near future so you can notice when they’re ready for more nuanced information.
Play it by ear. The Parent Planner is designed with developmental milestones and age appropriateness in mind, but you know your child best.
If you’re looking for something simpler to get started, check out our Values Expression exercise here, our Consent Bookmarks here, and our Positive Sexuality Conversation Generator here.
Want to receive updates on the latest free Talk More resources? Subscribe for occasional updates here.
Age 0-2
Our sexuality begins at birth! Explore the opportunities we have to communicate about sexuality with our littlest ones.
Age 3-5
Curiosity and questions really begin at this age. Make sure you’re ready with positive and normalizing messages.
Age 6-9
Talk about body positivity, puberty, and exploring relationships with others, starting with friendship.
Age 10-12
At this age, questions may become more technical, and it becomes even more important to start sharing your values related to sexuality.
Age 13-15
It’s less about knowing all the detailed answers to their questions and more about looking together to find reliable and helpful information.
Age 16-18 (new!)
This Parent Planner includes content designed for emerging adults, and answers specific questions about bodies, relationships, and sex.